Virus Creation Laboratory

The Virus Creation Laboratory, or VCL, as it is known, was one of the earliest attempts to provide a virus creation tool so that individuals with little to no programming expertise could mass-create computer viruses. VCL required a password for access, which was widely published alongside VCL. The password was "Chiba City", a likely reference to the William Gibson novel "Neuromancer." A hacker dubbed "Nowhere Man", of the NuKE hacker group, released it in July 1992.

Virus Creation Laboratory

The Virus Creation Laboratory, or VCL, as it is known, was one of the earliest attempts to provide a virus creation tool so that individuals with little to no programming expertise could mass-create computer viruses. VCL required a password for access, which was widely published alongside VCL. The password was "Chiba City", a likely reference to the William Gibson novel "Neuromancer." A hacker dubbed "Nowhere Man", of the NuKE hacker group, released it in July 1992.