Vishtasp Kairshasp Choksy

Vishtasp Kairshasp Choksy (born 22 December 1969) (known as V.K Choksy) is a Sri Lankan Lawyer and advisor. He is a Civil Lawyer and appointed President's Counsel. Choksy belongs to an influential family and is the son of politician and lawyer K. N. Choksy P.C. His expertise in resolving legal disputes and issues for government organisations as well as private clients are remarkable. Choksy was one of the active members and contributed the best of his knowledge in the constitutional challenge to the dissolution of Parliament in 2018.

Vishtasp Kairshasp Choksy

Vishtasp Kairshasp Choksy (born 22 December 1969) (known as V.K Choksy) is a Sri Lankan Lawyer and advisor. He is a Civil Lawyer and appointed President's Counsel. Choksy belongs to an influential family and is the son of politician and lawyer K. N. Choksy P.C. His expertise in resolving legal disputes and issues for government organisations as well as private clients are remarkable. Choksy was one of the active members and contributed the best of his knowledge in the constitutional challenge to the dissolution of Parliament in 2018.