WNYO is a college radio station broadcasting from the State University of New York at Oswego in the City of Oswego, New York. It is a 24/7 radio station operated and managed by the students of SUNY Oswego. Broadcasting from the SUNY Oswego Marano Campus Center, WNYO broadcasts primarily alternative and hip-hop music throughout the day, as well as a fair amount of talk and sports-oriented programming.


WNYO is a college radio station broadcasting from the State University of New York at Oswego in the City of Oswego, New York. It is a 24/7 radio station operated and managed by the students of SUNY Oswego. Broadcasting from the SUNY Oswego Marano Campus Center, WNYO broadcasts primarily alternative and hip-hop music throughout the day, as well as a fair amount of talk and sports-oriented programming.