
Waaqeffanna is an ancient monotheistic religion that is indigenous to the Oromo people. The word Waaqeffanna derives from the word Waaqa, which means 'the sky God' in Oromo. The followers of the Waaqeffanna religion are called Waaqeffataa and they believe in the supreme being Waaqa Tokkicha (the one God). It is estimated that about 3% of the Oromo population, which is 1,095,000 Oromos, in present day Ethiopia actively practice this religion. — The Waaqeffannaa song, in "The Folk-Literature of the Oromo."


Waaqeffanna is an ancient monotheistic religion that is indigenous to the Oromo people. The word Waaqeffanna derives from the word Waaqa, which means 'the sky God' in Oromo. The followers of the Waaqeffanna religion are called Waaqeffataa and they believe in the supreme being Waaqa Tokkicha (the one God). It is estimated that about 3% of the Oromo population, which is 1,095,000 Oromos, in present day Ethiopia actively practice this religion. — The Waaqeffannaa song, in "The Folk-Literature of the Oromo."