
Wallah, or -wala or -vala (wali fem.), derived from Hindustani, Gujarati, Bengali or Marathi (Suffix forming an adjectival compound with a noun or an agentive sense with a verb), an Indian surname or suffix indicating a person involved in some kind of activity, where they come from or what they wear (Topiwala), for example: * Dabbawala, lunch box deliverer * Chaiwala, a boy or young man who serves tea * Rickshawala, a rickshaw driver * Punkawallah, the servant who keeps the punkah or fan going on hot nights * Lep wallah, a cotton carder


Wallah, or -wala or -vala (wali fem.), derived from Hindustani, Gujarati, Bengali or Marathi (Suffix forming an adjectival compound with a noun or an agentive sense with a verb), an Indian surname or suffix indicating a person involved in some kind of activity, where they come from or what they wear (Topiwala), for example: * Dabbawala, lunch box deliverer * Chaiwala, a boy or young man who serves tea * Rickshawala, a rickshaw driver * Punkawallah, the servant who keeps the punkah or fan going on hot nights * Lep wallah, a cotton carder