Walter Newton Jones

Walter Newton Jones (1874-1922) or Walter Jones was an American actor and singer who appeared in several popular plays in the first two decades of the 20th century. He first appeared on Broadway in 1893 in a musical play about Columbus, 1492. He appeared in the hit comedy Baby Mine with Marguerite Clark in 1910. He later appeared with Clark in her silent film Easy to Get. He only appeared in two other films The Story of a Kiss a 1912 short and The Love Bandit a 1924 feature released posthumously.

Walter Newton Jones

Walter Newton Jones (1874-1922) or Walter Jones was an American actor and singer who appeared in several popular plays in the first two decades of the 20th century. He first appeared on Broadway in 1893 in a musical play about Columbus, 1492. He appeared in the hit comedy Baby Mine with Marguerite Clark in 1910. He later appeared with Clark in her silent film Easy to Get. He only appeared in two other films The Story of a Kiss a 1912 short and The Love Bandit a 1924 feature released posthumously.