Wang Jun (scientist)

Wang Jun (Chinese: 王俊; born June 4, 1976) is a Chinese scientist, founder and CEO of iCarbonX, and former CEO of the Beijing Genomics Institute (now known as BGI). While studying as a PhD student at Peking University, in 1999 Wang founded the bioinformatics group at BGI, which lead China's contribution to sequencing 1% of the Human Genome Project. His team was subsequently involved in efforts to genetically sequence the first Asian person, the rice plant, SARS, the giant panda, silkworms, pigs, chickens, goats, and the human gut microbiome, amongst other organisms.

Wang Jun (scientist)

Wang Jun (Chinese: 王俊; born June 4, 1976) is a Chinese scientist, founder and CEO of iCarbonX, and former CEO of the Beijing Genomics Institute (now known as BGI). While studying as a PhD student at Peking University, in 1999 Wang founded the bioinformatics group at BGI, which lead China's contribution to sequencing 1% of the Human Genome Project. His team was subsequently involved in efforts to genetically sequence the first Asian person, the rice plant, SARS, the giant panda, silkworms, pigs, chickens, goats, and the human gut microbiome, amongst other organisms.