War and Washington

War and Washington was a song written during the American Revolution by Jonathan M. Sewall. To be sung to the tune of The British Grenadiers the verses are: Lyrics are provided by George Washington's Mount Vernon, War and Washington by Jonathan Mitchell Sewall, performed by David and Ginger Hildebrand:VAIN Britons, boast no longer with proud indignity,By land your conquering legions, your matchless strength by sea.Since we, your sons incensed, our swords have girded on.Huzza! huzza! huzza! huzza, for War and Washington!Still deaf to mild entreaties, still blind to England's good,You have for thirty pieces betray'd your country's blood.Like Esop's cur you'll gain but a shadow for your bone,Yet find us fearful shades indeed, inspired by Washington.Mysterious! unexampled!, incomprehensible!Th

War and Washington

War and Washington was a song written during the American Revolution by Jonathan M. Sewall. To be sung to the tune of The British Grenadiers the verses are: Lyrics are provided by George Washington's Mount Vernon, War and Washington by Jonathan Mitchell Sewall, performed by David and Ginger Hildebrand:VAIN Britons, boast no longer with proud indignity,By land your conquering legions, your matchless strength by sea.Since we, your sons incensed, our swords have girded on.Huzza! huzza! huzza! huzza, for War and Washington!Still deaf to mild entreaties, still blind to England's good,You have for thirty pieces betray'd your country's blood.Like Esop's cur you'll gain but a shadow for your bone,Yet find us fearful shades indeed, inspired by Washington.Mysterious! unexampled!, incomprehensible!Th