War of the Planets (1966 film)

War of the Planets (Italian: I Diafanoidi Vengono da Marte, lit. 'The Diaphanoids Come From Mars' is a 1965 Italian science fiction film, produced by Joseph Fryd and Antonio Margheriti, directed by Margheriti, that stars Tony Russel and Lisa Gastoni (Russel's name is misspelled in the opening credits as "Tony Russell"). The film was released theatrically in 1966 throughout Europe. Its storyline and screenplay were written by and .

War of the Planets (1966 film)

War of the Planets (Italian: I Diafanoidi Vengono da Marte, lit. 'The Diaphanoids Come From Mars' is a 1965 Italian science fiction film, produced by Joseph Fryd and Antonio Margheriti, directed by Margheriti, that stars Tony Russel and Lisa Gastoni (Russel's name is misspelled in the opening credits as "Tony Russell"). The film was released theatrically in 1966 throughout Europe. Its storyline and screenplay were written by and .