War of the Three Henries (976–978)

The War of the Three Henries was a brief rebellion of three German princes, all called Henry, against Emperor Otto II in 976–977, with a final peace imposed in 978. In 973 Otto II had succeeded his father Emperor Otto I without disturbances. However, like his father he had to cope with a restless Saxon nobility, hostile towards his "foreign" consort Theophanu, and the unstable conditions in Italy culminating in the murder of Pope Benedict VI in 974. He attempted at a conciliation with his Ottonian cousin Duke Henry II of Bavaria, however Henry—not for nothing called "the Wrangler"—challenged the Emperor by enthroning his Luitpolding relative Henry I as Bishop of Augsburg in 973 with the aid of Duke Burchard III of Swabia. Otto had to approve the installation; when Duke Burchard III died in

War of the Three Henries (976–978)

The War of the Three Henries was a brief rebellion of three German princes, all called Henry, against Emperor Otto II in 976–977, with a final peace imposed in 978. In 973 Otto II had succeeded his father Emperor Otto I without disturbances. However, like his father he had to cope with a restless Saxon nobility, hostile towards his "foreign" consort Theophanu, and the unstable conditions in Italy culminating in the murder of Pope Benedict VI in 974. He attempted at a conciliation with his Ottonian cousin Duke Henry II of Bavaria, however Henry—not for nothing called "the Wrangler"—challenged the Emperor by enthroning his Luitpolding relative Henry I as Bishop of Augsburg in 973 with the aid of Duke Burchard III of Swabia. Otto had to approve the installation; when Duke Burchard III died in