War of the Vicuñas and Basques

The War of the Vicuñas and Basques (Spanish: Guerra de Vicuñas y Vascongados), or sometimes just Vicuña War, was an armed conflict in Alto Perú, present-day Bolivia, that lasted between June 1622 and March 1625, fought between Basques and "Vicuñas" (an informal term for non-Basque Spaniards in Alto Perú, a name obtained through the habit of wearing hats made of vicuña skins). On March 15, 1626, the ingenios of Potosí were destroyed by massive flooding. This event was interpreted as a divine punishment for the past violences.

War of the Vicuñas and Basques

The War of the Vicuñas and Basques (Spanish: Guerra de Vicuñas y Vascongados), or sometimes just Vicuña War, was an armed conflict in Alto Perú, present-day Bolivia, that lasted between June 1622 and March 1625, fought between Basques and "Vicuñas" (an informal term for non-Basque Spaniards in Alto Perú, a name obtained through the habit of wearing hats made of vicuña skins). On March 15, 1626, the ingenios of Potosí were destroyed by massive flooding. This event was interpreted as a divine punishment for the past violences.