
The Warndt is an extensive forest area of approximately 5,000 hectares (19 sq mi) including parts of the German Saarland and the French region Grand Est west of Saarbrücken. The geology of the Warndt is composed of Buntsandstein permeated by veins of iron ore and deposits of hard coal. Today it is a popular recreational area. The area is bounded by the Saar and two of its left tributaries, the Bist in the north and the Rossel in the south. It is transected by the Lauterbach, which flows into the Rossel in . The name Warndt first appears in a deed of donation from 999AD of the Emperor Otto III.


The Warndt is an extensive forest area of approximately 5,000 hectares (19 sq mi) including parts of the German Saarland and the French region Grand Est west of Saarbrücken. The geology of the Warndt is composed of Buntsandstein permeated by veins of iron ore and deposits of hard coal. Today it is a popular recreational area. The area is bounded by the Saar and two of its left tributaries, the Bist in the north and the Rossel in the south. It is transected by the Lauterbach, which flows into the Rossel in . The name Warndt first appears in a deed of donation from 999AD of the Emperor Otto III.