Washington, D.C., in the American Civil War

Washington, D.C., during the American Civil War was the center of the Union war effort, which rapidly turned it from a small city into a major capital with full civic infrastructure and strong defenses. When Lincoln was assassinated in Ford's Theater in April 1865, thousands flocked into Washington to view the coffin, further raising the profile of the city. The new president, Andrew Johnson, wanted to dispel the funereal atmosphere and organized a program of victory parades, which revived public hopes for the future.

Washington, D.C., in the American Civil War

Washington, D.C., during the American Civil War was the center of the Union war effort, which rapidly turned it from a small city into a major capital with full civic infrastructure and strong defenses. When Lincoln was assassinated in Ford's Theater in April 1865, thousands flocked into Washington to view the coffin, further raising the profile of the city. The new president, Andrew Johnson, wanted to dispel the funereal atmosphere and organized a program of victory parades, which revived public hopes for the future.