Washington Public Records Act

The Public Records Act (PRA) is a law of the U.S. state of Washington requiring public access to all records and materials from state and locals agencies. It was originally passed as a ballot initiative by voters in 1972 and revised several times by the state legislature. The definition of public records, especially concerning the state legislature, was subject to several legal challenges in the decades since the law was passed. The act is listed in the Revised Code of Washington as Chapter 42, Section 56.

Washington Public Records Act

The Public Records Act (PRA) is a law of the U.S. state of Washington requiring public access to all records and materials from state and locals agencies. It was originally passed as a ballot initiative by voters in 1972 and revised several times by the state legislature. The definition of public records, especially concerning the state legislature, was subject to several legal challenges in the decades since the law was passed. The act is listed in the Revised Code of Washington as Chapter 42, Section 56.