Waste Minimisation Act 2008

The Waste Minimisation Act is an Act of Parliament passed in New Zealand in 2008. It was a Private Members Bill introduced by Mike Ward. The major provisions of the Act are: a levy on landfill waste, promoting product stewardship schemes, some mandatory waste reporting, clarifying the role of territorial authorities with respect to waste minimisation, and sets up a Waste Advisory Board. The Act has a provision where the Minister for the Environment can assign the status of priority product, which are those that can cause a high degree of environmental harm.

Waste Minimisation Act 2008

The Waste Minimisation Act is an Act of Parliament passed in New Zealand in 2008. It was a Private Members Bill introduced by Mike Ward. The major provisions of the Act are: a levy on landfill waste, promoting product stewardship schemes, some mandatory waste reporting, clarifying the role of territorial authorities with respect to waste minimisation, and sets up a Waste Advisory Board. The Act has a provision where the Minister for the Environment can assign the status of priority product, which are those that can cause a high degree of environmental harm.