Water to Thrive

Water to Thrive (W2T) is a faith-based American nonprofit that funds the building of wells in eastern Africa and spreads awareness about the African water crisis. The organization was founded in April 2008 by Dick Moeller after his bible study, in Austin, Texas, learned about the Ethiopian water crisis from the organization A Glimmer of Hope and decided to raise $5,000 to fund a well. Moeller's bible study ended up raising enough money for twelve wells. This overwhelming success inspired Moeller to establish Water to Thrive. Since 2008, the organization has built over 750 wells, primarily in Ethiopia, Uganda, and Tanzania.

Water to Thrive

Water to Thrive (W2T) is a faith-based American nonprofit that funds the building of wells in eastern Africa and spreads awareness about the African water crisis. The organization was founded in April 2008 by Dick Moeller after his bible study, in Austin, Texas, learned about the Ethiopian water crisis from the organization A Glimmer of Hope and decided to raise $5,000 to fund a well. Moeller's bible study ended up raising enough money for twelve wells. This overwhelming success inspired Moeller to establish Water to Thrive. Since 2008, the organization has built over 750 wells, primarily in Ethiopia, Uganda, and Tanzania.