We Killed Mangy Dog and Other Stories

We Killed Mangy Dog and Other Mozambique Stories (Nós Matámos o Cão-Tinhoso) is a 1960s collection of short stories by Mozambican writer Luís Bernardo Honwana. It is a classic of African literature, appearing on the Zimbabwe International Book Fair list "100 Best African Books of the Twentieth Century" of 2002.

We Killed Mangy Dog and Other Stories

We Killed Mangy Dog and Other Mozambique Stories (Nós Matámos o Cão-Tinhoso) is a 1960s collection of short stories by Mozambican writer Luís Bernardo Honwana. It is a classic of African literature, appearing on the Zimbabwe International Book Fair list "100 Best African Books of the Twentieth Century" of 2002.