We Were That Song

We Were That Song is the third major label studio album recorded by Canadian country music singer Brett Kissel. It was released December 8, 2017 through Warner Music Canada. We Were That Song entered the Canadian Albums Chart at number 29. The album has produced four top-ten singles, including the Music Canada Gold-certified title track and "Anthem". It includes collaborations with Dave Mustaine of Megadeth and country music icon Charley Pride.

We Were That Song

We Were That Song is the third major label studio album recorded by Canadian country music singer Brett Kissel. It was released December 8, 2017 through Warner Music Canada. We Were That Song entered the Canadian Albums Chart at number 29. The album has produced four top-ten singles, including the Music Canada Gold-certified title track and "Anthem". It includes collaborations with Dave Mustaine of Megadeth and country music icon Charley Pride.