We do not rule based on categorical inferences in monetary cases

"We do not rule based on categorical inferences in monetary cases" (Hebrew: אין הולכין בממון אחר הרוב; Aramaic: לא אזלינן בתר רובא בממונא) is a principle in halakha followed by Jewish batei din. According to this principle, a categorical inference is not sufficient evidence for the decisor to reallocate property. By "categorical inference" (רוב lit. majority) is meant "inference about the specific from evidence about its category." In the classic example, the decisor may not infer that a particular individual purchased an ox for the purpose of plowing with it, despite a stipulation that most purchasers share that purpose. The monetary exception emerges from conflict between the general principle of categorical inference, wherein doubt about specific data can be resolved by evidence for a s

We do not rule based on categorical inferences in monetary cases

"We do not rule based on categorical inferences in monetary cases" (Hebrew: אין הולכין בממון אחר הרוב; Aramaic: לא אזלינן בתר רובא בממונא) is a principle in halakha followed by Jewish batei din. According to this principle, a categorical inference is not sufficient evidence for the decisor to reallocate property. By "categorical inference" (רוב lit. majority) is meant "inference about the specific from evidence about its category." In the classic example, the decisor may not infer that a particular individual purchased an ox for the purpose of plowing with it, despite a stipulation that most purchasers share that purpose. The monetary exception emerges from conflict between the general principle of categorical inference, wherein doubt about specific data can be resolved by evidence for a s