
Weatherfield is a fictional town based on Salford which is the setting for the British ITV soap opera Coronation Street since its inception in 1960. Much of Weatherfield has been seen by viewers throughout the years, though the primary focus from the viewer's perspective is the eponymous Coronation Street, a cobbled street where many of the programme's characters live. Weatherfield areas are often shot on location around Salford and the neighbouring large city of Manchester, as its filmings studios, the Granada Studios complex on Quay Street in Manchester city centre (which closed 2013) and its replacement set MediaCityUK in Salford Quays (opened 2014), only house the outdoor sets of Coronation Street and its immediate surrounding streets.


Weatherfield is a fictional town based on Salford which is the setting for the British ITV soap opera Coronation Street since its inception in 1960. Much of Weatherfield has been seen by viewers throughout the years, though the primary focus from the viewer's perspective is the eponymous Coronation Street, a cobbled street where many of the programme's characters live. Weatherfield areas are often shot on location around Salford and the neighbouring large city of Manchester, as its filmings studios, the Granada Studios complex on Quay Street in Manchester city centre (which closed 2013) and its replacement set MediaCityUK in Salford Quays (opened 2014), only house the outdoor sets of Coronation Street and its immediate surrounding streets.