Wells of Toledo

In Toledo, Spain before the standardization of modern plumbing, there were two common ways to get water. There was the Tagus river that ran next to the city and there were and water reservoirs that were built inside city plazas and individual houses. Although today the people of Toledo get their water from faucets, the wells and water reservoirs still exist, almost forgotten in the corners and basements of older houses in Toledo. A hidden indication that one can see in the streets of Toledo are the small stone balls or "bolas" in the outside corners of buildings. A family would put this small stone ball in the corner of their house so that their neighbors would know in case of a fire that they had a well or water reservoir inside. Also, at times one can find the places that had (or still

Wells of Toledo

In Toledo, Spain before the standardization of modern plumbing, there were two common ways to get water. There was the Tagus river that ran next to the city and there were and water reservoirs that were built inside city plazas and individual houses. Although today the people of Toledo get their water from faucets, the wells and water reservoirs still exist, almost forgotten in the corners and basements of older houses in Toledo. A hidden indication that one can see in the streets of Toledo are the small stone balls or "bolas" in the outside corners of buildings. A family would put this small stone ball in the corner of their house so that their neighbors would know in case of a fire that they had a well or water reservoir inside. Also, at times one can find the places that had (or still