West Nile Rural Electrification Company

West Nile Rural Electrification Company Limited (WENRECO) is an electric energy generating and distribution company in the West Nile sub-region of the Northern Region of Uganda. WENRECO is a wholly owned subsidiary of Industrial Promotion Services (IPS), the industrial development arm of the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED). AKFED is a member of the Aga Khan Development Network.

West Nile Rural Electrification Company

West Nile Rural Electrification Company Limited (WENRECO) is an electric energy generating and distribution company in the West Nile sub-region of the Northern Region of Uganda. WENRECO is a wholly owned subsidiary of Industrial Promotion Services (IPS), the industrial development arm of the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED). AKFED is a member of the Aga Khan Development Network.