Western Java montane rain forests

The Western Java montane rain forests ecoregion (WWF ID:IM0167) covers the montane rain forest above 1,000 meters in the volcanic mountain ridges in the west of the island of Java in Indonesia. Several mammals and bird species are found only in this ecoregion, including the Javan mastiff bat (Otomops formosus) and the Volcano mouse (Mus vulcani). Only about one-fifth of the original rainforest remains in its original state, as human pressures are encroaching on the mountain slopes.

Western Java montane rain forests

The Western Java montane rain forests ecoregion (WWF ID:IM0167) covers the montane rain forest above 1,000 meters in the volcanic mountain ridges in the west of the island of Java in Indonesia. Several mammals and bird species are found only in this ecoregion, including the Javan mastiff bat (Otomops formosus) and the Volcano mouse (Mus vulcani). Only about one-fifth of the original rainforest remains in its original state, as human pressures are encroaching on the mountain slopes.