What Fun We Were Having: 4 Stories About Date Rape

What Fun We Were Having: 4 Stories About Date Rape is a 2011 American psychological drama anthology film directed by Adam Wingard and written by Wingard, Simon Barrett and E. L. Katz. It stars Hannah Hughes, AJ Bowen, Lane Hughes, Brandon Carroll, and Amanda Crawford. It premiered at the Fantasia Festival in 2011, but did not go on to receive a commercial release.

What Fun We Were Having: 4 Stories About Date Rape

What Fun We Were Having: 4 Stories About Date Rape is a 2011 American psychological drama anthology film directed by Adam Wingard and written by Wingard, Simon Barrett and E. L. Katz. It stars Hannah Hughes, AJ Bowen, Lane Hughes, Brandon Carroll, and Amanda Crawford. It premiered at the Fantasia Festival in 2011, but did not go on to receive a commercial release.