What Must Be Said

"What Must Be Said" (German: Was gesagt werden muss) is a 2012 prose poem by the German writer Günter Grass, recipient of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Literature. The poem discusses an alleged threat of annihilation of the Iranian people and the writer's fears that Germany's delivery to Israel of a sixth Dolphin-class submarine capable of carrying nuclear warheads might facilitate an eventual Israeli nuclear attack on Iran, and thus involve his country in a foreseeable crime.

What Must Be Said

"What Must Be Said" (German: Was gesagt werden muss) is a 2012 prose poem by the German writer Günter Grass, recipient of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Literature. The poem discusses an alleged threat of annihilation of the Iranian people and the writer's fears that Germany's delivery to Israel of a sixth Dolphin-class submarine capable of carrying nuclear warheads might facilitate an eventual Israeli nuclear attack on Iran, and thus involve his country in a foreseeable crime.