Wheeler Incremental Inductance Rule

The incremental inductance rule, attributed to Harold Alden Wheeler by Gupta and others is a formula used to compute skin effect resistance and internal inductance in parallel transmission lines when the frequency is high enough that the skin effect is fully developed. Wheeler's concept is that the internal inductance of a conductor is the difference between the computed external inductance and the external inductance computed with all the conductive surfaces receded by one half of the skin depth. Linternal = Lexternal(conductors receded) - Lexternal(conductors not receded). Rskin = ωLinternal.

Wheeler Incremental Inductance Rule

The incremental inductance rule, attributed to Harold Alden Wheeler by Gupta and others is a formula used to compute skin effect resistance and internal inductance in parallel transmission lines when the frequency is high enough that the skin effect is fully developed. Wheeler's concept is that the internal inductance of a conductor is the difference between the computed external inductance and the external inductance computed with all the conductive surfaces receded by one half of the skin depth. Linternal = Lexternal(conductors receded) - Lexternal(conductors not receded). Rskin = ωLinternal.