When Boris Met Dave

When Boris Met Dave is a docudrama of 2009 which investigates the shared past of David Cameron and Boris Johnson who, at the time of broadcast, were two of Britain's most influential Conservative Party politicians – Cameron as Conservative leader and Johnson as Mayor of London. Johnson went on to become the Conservative leader as well. The film features interviews with people who knew Cameron and Johnson both at Eton College and Oxford, where they were both members of the Bullingdon Club.

When Boris Met Dave

When Boris Met Dave is a docudrama of 2009 which investigates the shared past of David Cameron and Boris Johnson who, at the time of broadcast, were two of Britain's most influential Conservative Party politicians – Cameron as Conservative leader and Johnson as Mayor of London. Johnson went on to become the Conservative leader as well. The film features interviews with people who knew Cameron and Johnson both at Eton College and Oxford, where they were both members of the Bullingdon Club.