White Birds Productions

White Birds Productions was a French video game developer. White Birds was founded by Benoît Sokal, Olivier Fontenay, Jean-Philippe Messian and Michel Bams in August 2003. White Birds specialised in adventure games but also handled other work, such as synthetic image creation, comics and merchandising. The four founders had previously worked together at another French video game company, Microïds, producing Amerzone, Syberia and Syberia II. Microïds has since maintained connections with the company, for example by publishing Sinking Island.

White Birds Productions

White Birds Productions was a French video game developer. White Birds was founded by Benoît Sokal, Olivier Fontenay, Jean-Philippe Messian and Michel Bams in August 2003. White Birds specialised in adventure games but also handled other work, such as synthetic image creation, comics and merchandising. The four founders had previously worked together at another French video game company, Microïds, producing Amerzone, Syberia and Syberia II. Microïds has since maintained connections with the company, for example by publishing Sinking Island.