Whites Butte

Whites Butte is a 4,860-foot (1,480 m) prominence adjacent the course of the Colorado River near the beginning of the Western Grand Canyon, (west terminus of the South Rim). The butte lies at the terminus of , the adjacent canyon west of Hermit Canyon. The Boucher Trail which begins at Upper Hermit Canyon, courses the east base of Whites Butte to reach the Tonto Trail-(west), on the Tonto Platform, south side of the Colorado River.

Whites Butte

Whites Butte is a 4,860-foot (1,480 m) prominence adjacent the course of the Colorado River near the beginning of the Western Grand Canyon, (west terminus of the South Rim). The butte lies at the terminus of , the adjacent canyon west of Hermit Canyon. The Boucher Trail which begins at Upper Hermit Canyon, courses the east base of Whites Butte to reach the Tonto Trail-(west), on the Tonto Platform, south side of the Colorado River.