Wieda (river)

The Wieda is a river in the German states of Lower Saxony and Thuringia. The Wieda has its source above the village of Wieda, flows through the village of Walkenried, the hamlet of and the village of before discharging in the Harz river Zorge near , a district of Ellrich. Its channel regularly dries up in the summer months - it sinks into the karst soil and reappears in other places as springs. Its most important tributary is the Uffe.

Wieda (river)

The Wieda is a river in the German states of Lower Saxony and Thuringia. The Wieda has its source above the village of Wieda, flows through the village of Walkenried, the hamlet of and the village of before discharging in the Harz river Zorge near , a district of Ellrich. Its channel regularly dries up in the summer months - it sinks into the karst soil and reappears in other places as springs. Its most important tributary is the Uffe.