William Birchall

William Birchall (1769–1817) was an officer in the Royal Navy who served during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. Promoted to lieutenant in 1790, he served aboard HMS Montagu at the Glorious First of June. Birchall was made a commander for acting with "zeal and intrepidity" during a boat action with a French privateer and promoted to post-captain following the Battle of Copenhagen in 1801. Later, in 1803, Birchall commanded the Chester region Sea Fencibles. He died in Exeter in 1817.

William Birchall

William Birchall (1769–1817) was an officer in the Royal Navy who served during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. Promoted to lieutenant in 1790, he served aboard HMS Montagu at the Glorious First of June. Birchall was made a commander for acting with "zeal and intrepidity" during a boat action with a French privateer and promoted to post-captain following the Battle of Copenhagen in 1801. Later, in 1803, Birchall commanded the Chester region Sea Fencibles. He died in Exeter in 1817.