William Tennekoon

William Tennekoon was a Sri Lankan banker. He was the Governor of the Central Bank of Ceylon. Educated at St. Anthony's College, Kandy and Trinity College, Kandy, he studied economics at Ceylon University College. In 1938, he served as an visiting lecturer at the economics department of the Ceylon University College. In 1939, he joined the Bank of Ceylon as an accountant and thereafter became the manager of its head office. In 10950, he joined the newly formed Central Bank of Ceylon as its first Chief Accountant and functioned as head of the banking and currency department. He then became the director of the bank supervision department. He was seconded to the IMF in 1953, 1962 and in 1954 he was seconded to the World Bank. In 1957, he was appointed Deputy Governor, Senior Deputy Governor i

William Tennekoon

William Tennekoon was a Sri Lankan banker. He was the Governor of the Central Bank of Ceylon. Educated at St. Anthony's College, Kandy and Trinity College, Kandy, he studied economics at Ceylon University College. In 1938, he served as an visiting lecturer at the economics department of the Ceylon University College. In 1939, he joined the Bank of Ceylon as an accountant and thereafter became the manager of its head office. In 10950, he joined the newly formed Central Bank of Ceylon as its first Chief Accountant and functioned as head of the banking and currency department. He then became the director of the bank supervision department. He was seconded to the IMF in 1953, 1962 and in 1954 he was seconded to the World Bank. In 1957, he was appointed Deputy Governor, Senior Deputy Governor i