Willowtip Records discography

Willowtip Records is an American independent record label based in Zelienople, Pennsylvania, that specializes in extreme metal. Jason Tipton, who founded Willowtip Records in the late 1990s, owns the label. Their roster features bands from several countries, including Belgium, Canada, Germany, Finland, Italy and Sweden. The label's first release was a 7-inch split extended play (EP) between Creation Is Crucifixion and Fate of Icarus, in 1999. Later that year, Willowtip released the Circle of Dead Children's full-length debut, Starving the Vultures. In 2002, the label released an EP of the "hydro-grind" band Cephalic Carnage; a single 19-minute track entitled Halls of Amenti. The following year, Willowtip released Ion Dissonance's debut Breathing Is Irrelevant. In an interview, Jason Tipton

Willowtip Records discography

Willowtip Records is an American independent record label based in Zelienople, Pennsylvania, that specializes in extreme metal. Jason Tipton, who founded Willowtip Records in the late 1990s, owns the label. Their roster features bands from several countries, including Belgium, Canada, Germany, Finland, Italy and Sweden. The label's first release was a 7-inch split extended play (EP) between Creation Is Crucifixion and Fate of Icarus, in 1999. Later that year, Willowtip released the Circle of Dead Children's full-length debut, Starving the Vultures. In 2002, the label released an EP of the "hydro-grind" band Cephalic Carnage; a single 19-minute track entitled Halls of Amenti. The following year, Willowtip released Ion Dissonance's debut Breathing Is Irrelevant. In an interview, Jason Tipton