Windsor Park Plate

The Windsor Park Plate is a New Zealand Thoroughbred horse race run at Hastings Racecourse in Hawke's Bay. The race is registered as the Horlicks Plate. It is run over a distance of 1600m in late September. The current race sponsor is the Windsor Park Stud. It is the second of the Hawkes Bay Triple Crown of Group 1 weight-for-age races. The others are: * the 1400m Challenge Stakes currently known as the Tarzino Trophy, and * the 2040m Spring Classic. The race was previously named the Stoney Bridge Stakes from 2004 to 2008. It was a Group 3 race until 2001 and Group 2 until 2004.

Windsor Park Plate

The Windsor Park Plate is a New Zealand Thoroughbred horse race run at Hastings Racecourse in Hawke's Bay. The race is registered as the Horlicks Plate. It is run over a distance of 1600m in late September. The current race sponsor is the Windsor Park Stud. It is the second of the Hawkes Bay Triple Crown of Group 1 weight-for-age races. The others are: * the 1400m Challenge Stakes currently known as the Tarzino Trophy, and * the 2040m Spring Classic. The race was previously named the Stoney Bridge Stakes from 2004 to 2008. It was a Group 3 race until 2001 and Group 2 until 2004.