Winiary (company)

Winiary Nestlé Polska S.A. Oddział w Kaliszu, known more commonly as Winiary, is a Polish food processing company based in the Kalisz borough (to 1976 village) Winiary. The company was founded by the initiative of a German of Polish descent. The headquarters of the company became one of two unused brewery buildings in Winiary. The first owner of the company was Alfred Nowacki. During 2002–2003, Winiary received various awards for its Majonez Dekoracyjny (Decoration Mayonnaise) product.

Winiary (company)

Winiary Nestlé Polska S.A. Oddział w Kaliszu, known more commonly as Winiary, is a Polish food processing company based in the Kalisz borough (to 1976 village) Winiary. The company was founded by the initiative of a German of Polish descent. The headquarters of the company became one of two unused brewery buildings in Winiary. The first owner of the company was Alfred Nowacki. During 2002–2003, Winiary received various awards for its Majonez Dekoracyjny (Decoration Mayonnaise) product.