Winifred Grace Wright

Winifred Grace Wright née Winifred Grace Hurst (6 June 1891 London - 8 September 1978 Durban) was an English chemist best-known for her work on devising protection against gas in warfare during WWI. After relocating to South Africa in 1949 she produced an illustrated pocket guide to the flowers of Natal. Hurst initially produced pharmaceuticals in a team working under Martha Whiteley (1866–1956), who was a prominent chemist at the Imperial College, London, and partly responsible for the development of Mustard Gas used during World War I.

Winifred Grace Wright

Winifred Grace Wright née Winifred Grace Hurst (6 June 1891 London - 8 September 1978 Durban) was an English chemist best-known for her work on devising protection against gas in warfare during WWI. After relocating to South Africa in 1949 she produced an illustrated pocket guide to the flowers of Natal. Hurst initially produced pharmaceuticals in a team working under Martha Whiteley (1866–1956), who was a prominent chemist at the Imperial College, London, and partly responsible for the development of Mustard Gas used during World War I.