Wisut Tangwittayaporn

Wisut Tangwittayaporn, also known as Ae Inside, (ca. 1968 – 12 January 2012) was a journalist, editor for Phuket E-News and publisher of Inside Phuket in Phuket, Thailand. He was most notable for being a journalist who reported on controversial land claims, as well as being a political activist. He was assassinated by professional gunmen in rush hour traffic on 12 January 2012.

Wisut Tangwittayaporn

Wisut Tangwittayaporn, also known as Ae Inside, (ca. 1968 – 12 January 2012) was a journalist, editor for Phuket E-News and publisher of Inside Phuket in Phuket, Thailand. He was most notable for being a journalist who reported on controversial land claims, as well as being a political activist. He was assassinated by professional gunmen in rush hour traffic on 12 January 2012.