Witold Jedlicki

Witold Jedlicki (born February 9, 1929, in Warsaw, died on September 8, 1995 in Jerusalem - Polish sociologist and journalist of Jewish descent, activist of the Crooked Circle Club, author of Chamy and Żydy ("Oafs and Jews"), in which he described the divisions in the communist Polish United Party Workers’ (Polish: PZPR), including so-called groups of Natolins and Puławianie.

Witold Jedlicki

Witold Jedlicki (born February 9, 1929, in Warsaw, died on September 8, 1995 in Jerusalem - Polish sociologist and journalist of Jewish descent, activist of the Crooked Circle Club, author of Chamy and Żydy ("Oafs and Jews"), in which he described the divisions in the communist Polish United Party Workers’ (Polish: PZPR), including so-called groups of Natolins and Puławianie.