
In Bavarian folklore of the Early Modern period, a Wolfssegen (also Wolfsegen, Wolf-Segen) was an apotropaic charm against wolves; conversely, a Wolfbann (Wolf-Bann) was a malevolent spell causing a wolf attack. The Wolfssegen is just one specific example of various distinct kinds of Segen ("blessing; charm, incantation") in the folklore of German-speaking Europe.


In Bavarian folklore of the Early Modern period, a Wolfssegen (also Wolfsegen, Wolf-Segen) was an apotropaic charm against wolves; conversely, a Wolfbann (Wolf-Bann) was a malevolent spell causing a wolf attack. The Wolfssegen is just one specific example of various distinct kinds of Segen ("blessing; charm, incantation") in the folklore of German-speaking Europe.