Wolverhampton Homes

Wolverhampton Homes is an Arms-length Management Organisation (ALMO) which manages properties owned by Wolverhampton City Council, in Wolverhampton, England. It was established in 2005 and is a registered member of the National Federation of ALMOs. Its Chief Executive. It manages approximately 23,500 properties, which includes 1900 leaseholds (where a tenant has bought a property through the Right to buy scheme and in the process has become a leaseholder).

Wolverhampton Homes

Wolverhampton Homes is an Arms-length Management Organisation (ALMO) which manages properties owned by Wolverhampton City Council, in Wolverhampton, England. It was established in 2005 and is a registered member of the National Federation of ALMOs. Its Chief Executive. It manages approximately 23,500 properties, which includes 1900 leaseholds (where a tenant has bought a property through the Right to buy scheme and in the process has become a leaseholder).