Women's National Council

Women's National Council (Czech: Ženská národní rada (ŽNR) (1923-1942) was the only women's umbrella organization in Czechoslovakia and only official women's collective which existed in the country until after 1990. As such, it was the most significant feminist organization in the interwar period. Founded by Františka Plamínková, its members strove for reform of marriage laws and employment restrictions of women, which they believed had been promised by the equality mandate in the new constitution.

Women's National Council

Women's National Council (Czech: Ženská národní rada (ŽNR) (1923-1942) was the only women's umbrella organization in Czechoslovakia and only official women's collective which existed in the country until after 1990. As such, it was the most significant feminist organization in the interwar period. Founded by Františka Plamínková, its members strove for reform of marriage laws and employment restrictions of women, which they believed had been promised by the equality mandate in the new constitution.