Women Under Siege Project

The Women Under Siege Project is an independent initiative of the Women's Media Center (WMC). The project documents online and through social media how rape and gender-based violence are used as tools in warfare and genocide. The project uses journalism to investigate and bring to light these issues which impact women throughout the world, but especially in areas of conflict. The director of Women Under Siege, Lauren Wolfe, has said that the first step to challenging rape is to stop victim blaming and to focus on the perpetrators and the cultures that produce them. The director of Women Under Siege is Lauren Wolfe and the associate editor for Women Under Siege is . The project is organized under the WMC, but operates independently, with contributions coming from individuals, corporations a

Women Under Siege Project

The Women Under Siege Project is an independent initiative of the Women's Media Center (WMC). The project documents online and through social media how rape and gender-based violence are used as tools in warfare and genocide. The project uses journalism to investigate and bring to light these issues which impact women throughout the world, but especially in areas of conflict. The director of Women Under Siege, Lauren Wolfe, has said that the first step to challenging rape is to stop victim blaming and to focus on the perpetrators and the cultures that produce them. The director of Women Under Siege is Lauren Wolfe and the associate editor for Women Under Siege is . The project is organized under the WMC, but operates independently, with contributions coming from individuals, corporations a