Women and Families for Defence

Woman and Families for Defence was a pressure group reportedly founded by Lady Olga Maitland, Ann Widdecombe, Virginia Bottomley and Angela Rumbold (who also became vice-chairwoman of the organization). However, Alfred Sherman told the Sunday Times that it was Maitland who 'solely' set up the group, with his help. Maitland later turned the group into a general anti-Labour political canvassing group, Women and Families for Canvassing.

Women and Families for Defence

Woman and Families for Defence was a pressure group reportedly founded by Lady Olga Maitland, Ann Widdecombe, Virginia Bottomley and Angela Rumbold (who also became vice-chairwoman of the organization). However, Alfred Sherman told the Sunday Times that it was Maitland who 'solely' set up the group, with his help. Maitland later turned the group into a general anti-Labour political canvassing group, Women and Families for Canvassing.