Women during the Reconstruction era

Women during the Reconstruction era dating from 1863 to 1877 acted as the heads of their households due to the involvement of men in the war, and presided over their farm and family members throughout the country. Following the war, there was a great surge for education among women and to coincide with this, a great need for women to find paid employment. As the educational opportunity began involving women, illiteracy declined and women were able to attain education. Soon after, many women became newspaper editors and journalists and began being more heavily involved within the community and local and national politics. Women began increasing their efforts towards suffrage and influencing public policy. African American women were also heavily involved in suffrage and with their involveme

Women during the Reconstruction era

Women during the Reconstruction era dating from 1863 to 1877 acted as the heads of their households due to the involvement of men in the war, and presided over their farm and family members throughout the country. Following the war, there was a great surge for education among women and to coincide with this, a great need for women to find paid employment. As the educational opportunity began involving women, illiteracy declined and women were able to attain education. Soon after, many women became newspaper editors and journalists and began being more heavily involved within the community and local and national politics. Women began increasing their efforts towards suffrage and influencing public policy. African American women were also heavily involved in suffrage and with their involveme