Women in Qatar

Women in Qatar Qatar's policies regarding women's rights is restricted due to the male guardianship law.and restrictions influenced by the Wahhabi interpretation of Islam. Both women and men were enfranchised in the country at the same time, in 1999. Labor force participation rates of Qatari women are above the world average and among the highest in the Arab World, which comes mainly as a result of an increasing number of Qatari women who are attaining academic degrees.

Women in Qatar

Women in Qatar Qatar's policies regarding women's rights is restricted due to the male guardianship law.and restrictions influenced by the Wahhabi interpretation of Islam. Both women and men were enfranchised in the country at the same time, in 1999. Labor force participation rates of Qatari women are above the world average and among the highest in the Arab World, which comes mainly as a result of an increasing number of Qatari women who are attaining academic degrees.