Wor Nanny's a mazer

Wor Nanny's a mazer is a famous Geordie folk song written in the 19th century by Thomas “Tommy” Armstrong, in a style deriving from music hall. It is regarded by many as one of the classics. This song tells the tale of a husband and wife setting out on a train trip from Rowlands Gill, a village in County Durham, to “toon” - meaning 'town', presumably Newcastle upon Tyne - to do some shopping. The trip starts to go wrong when they miss their train. The pair end up in a pub where the wife becomes “a bit the worse for wear”. We are left to assume no shopping was done and no clothes bought.

Wor Nanny's a mazer

Wor Nanny's a mazer is a famous Geordie folk song written in the 19th century by Thomas “Tommy” Armstrong, in a style deriving from music hall. It is regarded by many as one of the classics. This song tells the tale of a husband and wife setting out on a train trip from Rowlands Gill, a village in County Durham, to “toon” - meaning 'town', presumably Newcastle upon Tyne - to do some shopping. The trip starts to go wrong when they miss their train. The pair end up in a pub where the wife becomes “a bit the worse for wear”. We are left to assume no shopping was done and no clothes bought.