Workforce productivity

Workforce productivity is the amount of goods and services that a group of workers produce in a given amount of time. It is one of several types of productivity that economists measure. Workforce productivity, often referred to as labor productivity, is a measure for an organisation or company, a process, an industry, or a country. 1. * hours worked, typically from the OECD Annual National Accounts database 2. * workforce jobs; and 3. * number of people in employment.

Workforce productivity

Workforce productivity is the amount of goods and services that a group of workers produce in a given amount of time. It is one of several types of productivity that economists measure. Workforce productivity, often referred to as labor productivity, is a measure for an organisation or company, a process, an industry, or a country. 1. * hours worked, typically from the OECD Annual National Accounts database 2. * workforce jobs; and 3. * number of people in employment.