
Woyingzhichang Chinese: 我赢职场 (//) is one of China's largest online IT vocational job training and services firm. In Chinese, the name roughly translates to "winning in the job market." It was founded in 2013 as a spin-off from , an offline school for IT Training based in Beijing with centers spread across nine Chinese cities. 51zhichang secured early backing from angel investor firm ZhenFund and has completed A-Round financing worth more than $5.64 million with support from the venture capital arm of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In December, 2015, the firm announced Pre-B round funding of an unspecified amount led by .


Woyingzhichang Chinese: 我赢职场 (//) is one of China's largest online IT vocational job training and services firm. In Chinese, the name roughly translates to "winning in the job market." It was founded in 2013 as a spin-off from , an offline school for IT Training based in Beijing with centers spread across nine Chinese cities. 51zhichang secured early backing from angel investor firm ZhenFund and has completed A-Round financing worth more than $5.64 million with support from the venture capital arm of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In December, 2015, the firm announced Pre-B round funding of an unspecified amount led by .