
The Wurzelbrink is a hill south of Lübbecke which, at 318 m above NN, is the second highest peak in the Wiehen Hills in north Germany. Immediately to the south is the no less majestic Kniebrink (315 m). There is an old and rather small watchtower, the Wartturm, on top of the Wurzelbrink, which was built in 1857, whose outstanding views of the local area are partly obscured by the trees that have now grown up around it.


The Wurzelbrink is a hill south of Lübbecke which, at 318 m above NN, is the second highest peak in the Wiehen Hills in north Germany. Immediately to the south is the no less majestic Kniebrink (315 m). There is an old and rather small watchtower, the Wartturm, on top of the Wurzelbrink, which was built in 1857, whose outstanding views of the local area are partly obscured by the trees that have now grown up around it.