Xavier Léon-Dufour

Xavier Léon-Dufour (Paris, 7 March 1912–13 November 2007) was a French Jesuit biblical scholar and theologian. He was professor of the Bible at the centre Sèvres and director of collections at éditions du Seuil and éditions du Cerf. He is best known for his Vocabulary of Biblical Theology, published in 1962, a work that remains, fifty years later, a reference book for students in theology. He has done important work on the synoptic gospels and on the gospel according to John. He took part in the doctrinal controversies that followed the Second Vatican Council.

Xavier Léon-Dufour

Xavier Léon-Dufour (Paris, 7 March 1912–13 November 2007) was a French Jesuit biblical scholar and theologian. He was professor of the Bible at the centre Sèvres and director of collections at éditions du Seuil and éditions du Cerf. He is best known for his Vocabulary of Biblical Theology, published in 1962, a work that remains, fifty years later, a reference book for students in theology. He has done important work on the synoptic gospels and on the gospel according to John. He took part in the doctrinal controversies that followed the Second Vatican Council.